Monday, July 7, 2008

New Guild: Wolves of the Wind

Hi guys just a quick chirp to all of you letting you know that today I have created my own guild and that all of you are welcome to join will post more about it later.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

First Impressions of Blackrock Depth

Hi guys, today I had two runs through BRD (Blackrock Depth) for you that do not know this is the the mini zone of Blackrock Mountain between Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes. I have two say the two runs could not have been more different. Early that morning a group had invited me to work with them on the runt hey were doing but let me tell you it went south very quickly they all wanted to play I am leader and you do what i say you should do because I have run this place 100+ times, before we hit the first boss the run was over. Later that night a guild mate of mine told me he/she (I will assume him) was going to be running BRD with his room mate who happened to be a 70 Paladin. Needless to say we went all the way through it until a door defeated us, yes a door down in I think it was in the arena area. I am very happy because I got my first relice [Libram of Truth] and an upgrade to my legs []. In addition another guild mate of mine had asked me how do I level my Enchanting up fast and chap well here is a little sneak pick of what I did to go from 1-75 in one shot, when I get a chance I will do the entire thing and update the post along with linking the items I got from this BRD run so you guys can check them out as well.

Enchanting 1-300:
Apprentice (1-75)
 1x Copper Rod
 1x Lesser Magic Essence
75x Strange Dust
 1x Runed Copper Rod
74x Enchant Bracers - Minor Health

Friday, June 27, 2008

First Post

Hi guys this is Shinsaber currently running with Guild Wrath of Chaos on the server. Since this will be the first written  post to this blog I thought I should do something interesting and present myself to those who do not know me in-game. I am Shinsaber Protection style Paladin I like helping lower level players in my spare time and when I am not doing things with the guild I am affiliated with at that point. I should also mention that in real life I am a legally blind person what this mean to  you guys is that I can not see well in real life so this might make it hard to answer whispers if I am not paying attention to my chat window so if you plan to ask me questions I will try to answer them to the best of my ability. If you wish to drop a comment or message on the blog feel free and I will get to them when I can thank you for your understanding on this point.